Art historian, founder, and curator of MediaDepo, co-founder of Institute of Actual Art (Lviv), curator of multimedia library (Center of Urban History of East Central Europe, Lviv). Master degree in New and Newest History (History Department, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary), art historian (Department of History and Art History, Lviv Academy of Arts, Ukraine). Studied at the Faculty of Project Management at George Washington University (Washington, USA). He taught culturology and visual analysis at Ivan Franko National University (Center of the Development of Master's Programs in Sociology and Cultural Studies). Delivered lectures in Ukraine and abroad. He had been a fellow of several programs and had worked in the Visual Archives of Washington (George Washington University, School of Visual Arts Archives) and Budapest (Open Society Institute Archives). As the author of a course on city cultural industries and urban regeneration theorist he was invited to hold a position of the Head of the Office of Marketing and Cultural Industries at the Department of Culture and Tourism at Humanitarian Policy Department of the Lviv City Council.
